- ceiling conditions
- условия полета на потолке
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Ceiling (disambiguation) — Ceiling may refer to one of the following: *Ceiling, the upper surface of a room *Ceiling function in mathematics *Glass ceiling a bar to advancement of a qualified person *Ceiling (aeronautics) the maximum density altitude an aircraft can reach… … Wikipedia
ceiling — [sē′liŋ] n. [< CEIL] 1. the inside top part or covering of a room, opposite the floor 2. any overhanging expanse seen from below 3. an upper limit set on anything, as by official regulation [a ceiling on prices] 4. Aeron. a) a cover … English World dictionary
ceiling — ceilinged, adj. /see ling/, n. 1. the overhead interior surface of a room. 2. the top limit imposed by law on the amount of money that can be charged or spent or the quantity of goods that can be produced or sold. 3. Aeron. a. the maximum… … Universalium
Ceiling (aeronautics) — In aeronautics, a ceiling is the maximum density altitude an aircraft can reach under a set of conditions.ervice ceilingThe service ceiling attempts to capture the maximum usable altitude of an aircraft. Specifically, it is the density altitude… … Wikipedia
Ceiling projector — The ceiling projector or cloud searchlight is used to measure the height of the base of clouds (called the ceiling) above the ground. It is used in conjunction with an alidade, usually positioned 1000 ft (304.8 m) away and wherever possible set… … Wikipedia
ceiling — /ˈsilɪŋ / (say seeling) noun 1. the overhead interior lining of a room; the surface of a room opposite the floor. 2. top limit: a ceiling on expenditure. 3. Nautical the flooring, usually wooden, covering the double bottom tanks, at the bottom of …
ceiling — ceil•ing [[t]ˈsi lɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) bui the overhead interior surface of a room 2) bus an upper limit on the amount of money that can be charged or spent, the quantity of goods produced or sold, etc.: a ceiling on government spending[/ex] 3) aer. mer … From formal English to slang
United States debt-ceiling crisis — Part of a series of articles on Unit … Wikipedia
Flight ceiling — A flight ceiling is the upper altitudinal limit at which any aircraft may fly given its mechanical abilities. For aviation purposes, ceiling is defined as the height (AGL) of the lowest broken or overcast layer aloft or vertical visibility into… … Wikipedia
Sistine Chapel ceiling — The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is one of the most renowned artworks of the High Renaissance. The ceiling is that of the large Sistine Chapel built within the Vatican by Pope Sixtus IV, begun in 1477 and … Wikipedia
absolute ceiling — noun the maximum altitude at which an airplane can maintain horizontal flight • Hypernyms: ↑ceiling * * * noun : the maximum height above sea level at which a particular airplane can maintain horizontal flight under standard air conditions called … Useful english dictionary